Sold Stories | 2116 Moreno Dr

SOLD – I’m not sure how many offers were on the table but we were competing against some aggressive agents. In the end, we were able to secure the property and negotiate a credit for a repair. The Buyers we represented were instrumental in their win. They listened, came up with smart solutions and made the Seller feel good about choosing them.
No one likes a “bidding war”. They are stressful and can be emotionally exhausting. When you lose it’s easy to dwell on what could have been and wonder will you ever find something as good. So what’s the strategy? In our experience there is no one size fits all strategy. Every situation is unique due to the different goals of the parties and nature of the sale. In this case, the Buyers did an excellent job of giving the listing agent comfort that they would be easy to work with. The Buyers’ natural enthusiasm and love for the home seem to have struck a chord with the decision maker. It helped that the Buyers had the resources and gumption to facilitate the strong terms of the offer. It’s good to have gumption when negotiating in a multiple offer situation.