COVID Safety Measures


We’re back! And as we settle into the new realities of social distancing we’re implementing a few safety measures to protect the health and well being of our clients, families, and staff.

Here is a list of guidelines we’re practicing for each showing as we move forward. If you have any questions or concerns we’d be happy to connect with you!

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• Private showings only (no open houses), which is great because we like that 1-on-1 quality time, anyways.

• Thorough cleaning and disinfecting before and after each showing. Including all frequently used surfaces (counters, door and cabinet handles, key pads, toilets, sinks, light switches, etc.), but we won’t make you touch them anyways…let us handle that.

• Doors and windows will be open to allow fresh air to flow through (weather permitting). It is summer in California, after all. 

• Hand sanitizer or hand washing for everyone before entering each property for added safety and extra cleanliness.

• Hand sanitizer, disinfecting wipes and face coverings on hand for anyone who doesn’t bring their own. We like to share.

• 6ft distance between strangers or unrelated people at all times. That’s roughly the length of a standard couch!

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