Eastside Stats | June 2020

We hope everyone had a great 4th of July weekend! In two weeks we have seen a slight shift in the market.

Los Feliz
In the past 30 days, there have been 18 active listings, 11 under contract, and 12 sold listings. The Average Sale Price vs Listing Price is 96.9% -dropped 3% since last month. The average sales price in this area is $2.25M and is averaging $875 per sqft.

Silverlake/Echo Park
In the past 30 days, there have been 36 new active listings, 25 active-under contract, 11 pending in escrow, and 23 sold! The average price for sold listing was $1.887M. The average price per sqft was $849. In the last 10 days, sold listings that were over asking was 101%!

Atwater Village
In past the 30 days, there have been 2 active listings, 3 active under contract, 1 pending and 1 sold. It has been a little slower than the other neighboring communities.

Eagle Rock
In the past 30 days, there have been 11 active listings and 15 sold listings. We have noticed that inventory is tighter this month than previously. The average price per sqft is $628 and average per sqft sold is $700.

Highland Park
A whopping 55 new listings in last 30 days! 36 of those listings are under $1 million! The average price per sqft for active listings is $655 and the average price per sqft sold is $684. A current total of $85 million in volume!

Mount Washington
In the past 30 days, there have been 25 new active listings and 22 sold listings. The average price per sqft for new listings was $683. The average price per sqft for sold listings was $738!

Curious about what’s going on in your neighborhood?
Reach out to our team and we will be happy to go over the stats with you!

Amir ImraanComment